7th Grade: 1. Study for Quiz, Vertebrates, Fishes and Amphibians-For Friday
Web Site Design the homepage of a website that introduces people to amphibians.
First, come up with a catchy title for your Web site. Then, design your home page, the first page people will see. Consider these questions as you come up with your design: What information will you include? What will the illustrations or photos show? What links to specific topics relating to amphibians will you have? Due Monday
Web forms designs can be found in your Google Applications
Writing Mode: Descriptive
Scoring Rubrics
4 Includes an exceptional number of details in a neat, creative website format
3 Includes an acceptable number of details which are appealing
2 lack some important details with some adequate website design
1 Includes few details,boring, disorganized and inadequate web design
8th Grade:
Brandeis/Rice- Read textbook - mutations - pages 372 - 376. Insert vocabulary with definitions. Copy and answer section assessment questions 1 & 2 on page 376.
CalTech/JohnsHopkins- continue working on Black Scientist/Inventors project due Monday February 3, 2020. Start reviewing all your Earth Science notes since September in preparation for state exam.
textbook_mutation___gene_regulation_and_expression_372-383.pdf |
african-american_scientists__inventors_research_project_20.pdf |