6th Grade: Complete and submit work on Google Classroom by the end of the day
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7th Grade: Today we are learning about Respiratory System Disorders.Remember to use your Riverton email to sign into your FlexBooks® 2.0.
11.34 Respiratory System Disorders
FlexBooks® 2.0 > CK-12 Life Science For Middle School > Respiratory System Disorders
Common diseases and conditions affecting the respiratory system include asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, tuberculosis, and emphysema.
Pollution, smoking, and pathogens can also contribute to diseases of the respiratory system.
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Watch the Understanding COPD video below and answer the questions that follow:
1. What is COPD? What breathing conditions does it describe?
2. What is the leading cause of COPD?
3. Why is it important for people with COPD to keep their vaccinations up to date?
4. How do the alveoli in a normal lung compare to those in someone with COPD?
1. What parts of the body can be affected by respiratory system diseases?
2. How does asthma affect the lungs?
3. What is the most common cause of lung cancer?
4. Identify two things besides smoking that can cause a respiratory disease
Complete Adaptive practice Quiz Today.
8th Grade:
For John Hopkins and Caltech:
Tuesday March 31, 2020 View and answer questions on Edpuzzle | The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do due Wednesday 8am
For Rice and Brandeis:
Tuesday March 31, 2020 View and answer questions on EdPuzzle video - species due Wednesdy at 8am