7th Grade:
1. Explain in you own words why snails, slugs, clams and squids are all classified as mollusks.
2. Which mollusk move by jet propulsion. Describe the environment necessary for jet propulsion.
Refer to the chapter below to answer the questions.
Life Science Text: www.dropbox.com/s/wu8sy44rzjokv3s/MS-SCI-LS-Unit_3_--_Chapter _11-_Structure_and_Function_and_Invertebrates%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0
ms-sci-ls-unit_3_--_chapter_11-_structure_and_function_and_invertebrates__1_.pdf |
8th Grade:
Brandeis/Rice- Complete student workbook- Fertilization and Development pages 539-542. Use textbook pages 995-1001 for assistance.
CalTech/JohnsHopkins- Complete the Moon reading comprehension worksheet.
fertilization_and_development_workbook_539-542.pdf |
995-1001.pdf |
moon_reading_comprehension.pdf |