6th Grade:Scholars are required to develop an argumentative essay pertaining to the topic of immigration. Each scholar selected a topic from the list below and crafted claims and a counter claim (pros & cons). Next scholars were required to complete a research to gather information to support their claims.
On Friday we will develop the introduction paragraph and for HW scholars will finish their rough drafts. Upon their return on Wednesday, I will look over their drafts and provide feedback in preparation for their final drafts. Below are the list of topics as well as an attachment of a sample argumentative essay with all the parts labeled as a guide when scholars are writing.
List of Topics
- Immigrants take away jobs
- Immigrants overpopulate neighborhoods
- Immigrants increase the crime rate
- Immigrants bring with them their bad cultures, ideas, or other factors that will destroy our economic and political institutions.
- Terrorism attacks are increased because of immigrants
8th Grade:
Readworks.org assignment due 10/15 end of day.
For the Extended Weekend you are assigned 2 passages:
- " Sir Isaac and LeBron James"
- " Could the Futuristic Traveling Tube Become a Reality?"
Brandeis: JASN4F
CalTech: QB5RGG
Hopkins: FDXXZD
Rice: KP7Y45