6th Grade:
Argumentative Essay
✨ Please follow the guide to complete all parts of the assignment ✨
✔1.Complete the graphic organizer using information from the articles
a. What Video Games Can Teach Us👀(attached below)
b. The Violent Side of Video Games 👀(attached below)
c. You can use additional researched evidence from credible sources on the Internet
✔2. Use the information from the graphic organizer to develop your argumentative essay
✔3. Follow the essay structure
✨ Essay ✨
✔1. Open a separate Google Docs to type your essay✍
✔2. Do NOT type in bright colors or Decorative Fonts (Times Roman or Calibari)✍
✔3. Ensure that you edit and revise your essay ✍
✔4. Include a title that represent your viewpoint ✍
✨ I have attached sentence starters and transition words to include in your essay ✨
😊✨🌞✍✔ DUE: Monday November 16, 2020 😊✨🌞✍✔
7th Grade: Should Girls Play HS Football?- Commonlit
8th Grade:
Persuasive Essay is due 11/13
Format and Instructions are on Google Classroom