6th Grade: Newton's Third Law Action and Reaction
newtons_third_law_action_and_reaction.pdf |
7th Grade: You are narrating a video called Living on Land, which is written from the perspective of a plant.
Write a one page script for your narration. Be sure to discuss the challenges that life on land poses for plants and how they meet their needs.
Use the text or the internet for information on plants.
Write this HW in your notebooks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scoring Rubrics:
4-script includes accurate details about challenges and how plants meet them;writing is engaging.
3-includes all criteria; writing is unimaginative
2-includes few details
1-includes inaccurate or irrelevant information.
Due Tuesday.
ms-sci-ls-unit_3_--_chapter_10-_structure_and_function_of_plants.pdf |
8th Grade:
Brandeis/Rice- Workbook pages 504 to 510. Use textbook pages 928 to 930 for assistance. Due tomorrow.
12-16-19 Assignment due Friday January 3.
CalTech/JohnsHopkins- Air Pressure & Wind worksheet due tomorrow.
Weather Project due Friday January 3.
workbook_499-510.pdf |
muscular_system_928-933.pdf |
brandeis-rice_assignment_12-16-19.pdf |
caltech-hopkins_12-16-19.pdf |