6th Grade: Complete and submit work on Google Classroom by the end of the day
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7th Grade: Summary
Excretion is the process of removing wastes from the body.
Organs of the excretory system include the kidneys, large intestine, skin, and lungs.
Directions: Today we will be reading about the Excretory System.
1. Read the Article Attached
2. Explore More
Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.
The Basics of Kidney Disease at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY4VvAjYLBU (6:24)
1. What is kidney disease? What is chronic kidney disease? How are they similar, and how do they differ?
2. What is kidney failure? How can people deal with kidney failure?
3. What are two causes of chronic kidney disease?
4. How can doctors test for kidney disease?
5. How can they treat kidney disease
Why do kidney stones form?
What is a urinary tract infection?
What is kidney failure?
8th Grade:
John Hopkins and Caltech:
Thursday April 2, 2020: Read the Newsela article and answer the questions that follows of the Newsela article: Who Joins TikTok to share "reliable" information about coronavirus? due Friday 8am Please login to Newsela to complete the assignment.
Rice and Brandeis:
Thursday April 2, 2020: Complete Khan academy: Evolution unit assessment due Friday at 8am