6th Grade: Complete Worksheet
grant_1-28.pdf |
7th Grade: Wanted Poster Design a "Wanted" poster for a lamprey. Present the lamprey as a "criminal of the ocean." Include the lamprey's physical characteristics, feeding habits, and any other details that will allow people to track down this fish.
Writing Mode: Descriptive
Scoring Rubrics
4 Includes an exceptional number of details in a neat, creative format
3 Includes an acceptable number of details appealing display
2 lack some important details adequate display
1 Includes few details,boring, disorganized and inadequate display
Due Thursday
8th Grade:
Brandeis/Rice- Complete student workbook - RNA pages 194 - 196. Use textbook pages 362 - 365 for assistance.
JohnsHopkins/CalTech- Work on Black Scientists and Inventors Project - due Monday February 3, 2020.
workbook_rna_194-196.pdf |
textbook_rna_362-365.pdf |
african-american_scientists__inventors_research_project_20.pdf |