6th Grade:

ms._grant_3-11.pdf |
7th Grade:
1. Write one paragraph comparing and contrasting mechanical and chemical digestion.
2. Prepare a small flow chart that shows the process of digestion from mouth through the stomach.
Due Thursday
8th Grade:
Brandeis/Rice- Start working on animal evolution project due Friday March 20, 2020. Study for assessment on evolution Friday. This will include modern evolutionary classification and questions, evolution and based on your understanding of the Beaks of Finches lab.
CalTech/JohnsHopkins- Finish completing the volume of regular and irregular solids. Study for assessment tomorrow on physical science: properties of matter, physical and chemical changes, solids, liquids, gases and changes in states, mixtures and solutions.

animal_evolution_project.pdf |

volume_of_regular___irregular_solids_worksheet.pdf |