6th Grade:
Please find below Social Studies assignments for Grade 6 scholars for Tuesday, March 30, 2021. The Quiz #11 is already attached to Google Classroom for each class as scheduled.
UVA & MIT - Egypt & Kush Quiz #11
UChi & UCLA - Mesopotamia - The Sumerians Quiz #11
I'll share them on Google Drive - Google Form with you.
7th Grade:Tuesday, March 30
- Pages 206-11
- Page 209, Diagram Skills 1 and 2
- Page 209, Progress Check question
- Page 211, Progress Check question
- Page 211, Review questions 2, 3, 4
- Pretend that you have been invited to give a speech in front of a "Joint Session" of Congress (100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives) with a proposal for a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. What would you say to convince at least two-thirds of Congress to support your proposal for an amendment to the Constitution?
- Write a speech of 7-10 sentences with your ideas for a 28th Amendment.
- Have fun and be creative! This assignment is due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 31.

2020-21-text_pages_206-11.pdf |
8th Grade:Tuesday’s assignment:
Health Information Article: Disaster Preparedness
‘The CDC wants you to prepare for a zombie apocalypse’ (Yes, you read that right)
Due 3/30/21
Extension/ Homework: Primary Sources: N.A. Jennings tells of the Texas Rangers, 1875
(Information Article slides 6 - 7)
Multiple Choice and Short Response Practice
(Be sure to annotate and use the GROSA and RACE short response strategies)