6th Grade: Complete and submit work on Google Classroom by the end of the day

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7th Grade: Complete and submit work on Google Classroom by the end of the day
Good morning, Scholars!
Today you are going to read about the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Yes, the same Andrew Jackson that is pictured on the 20 dollar bill. He was nicknamed "Old Hickory" by the soldiers he commanded in the War of 1812. A hickory stick is tall and unbending, and that's the type of leadership his troops thought he provided. A military hero becoming president is something you will see again as the United States progresses as a country.
Something to really look for in today's reading is the debate over how much power the states should have
versus how much the federal (national) government should have.
Remember to read the text very carefully. You must use complete sentences for your answers. Include details from the text that I provide. Do not use outside sources. Fully explain answers in your own words!

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8th Grade:

world_war_ii_holocaust_1.pdf |