Grade 6:
MIT - Complete DBQ on Classical Civilization
UChi and UCLA - Complete "I am a Roman Biography"
UVA - Critica Thinking pp. 276 # 3 then #s 4 to 6
Grade 7:
Use slavery perspective documents to complete classwork
- Writing as the founding generation of a new nation, did these writers see slavery as an acceptable part of American society or as something essentially un-American?
- In which of these documents can you see an emerging sense of regional difference regarding slavery along lines that might foreshadow the Civil War many decades later.
Mr. Dayan:
- "Review the "War, Civil Liberties, and Security Opinion Poll."
- Which Questions were Hardest to Answer? Why?
- To what extent should Americans be willing to give up their civil liberties during times of national emergency or war?
- Run a Google Search on Foreign Policy
- Click on the News Tab
- Select, Read, and Print a Recent Newspaper Article related to U.S. Foreign Policy