6th Grade: Project on Ancient Egypt attached
You must have a printed copy of your power point as well as an electronic copy for presentation.
Due date: Tuesday, December 3, 2019
UCLA only- Worksheet

ancient_egypt_research_project.pdf |

ucla_12-2.pdf |
7th Grade:
- Writing from the point of view of the Pilgrims OR Wampanoags, create a fictional short story about your experiences of joining the other group in friendship after the first harvest. Use your imagination. Make up the names of characters, events and conversations. Search the Internet for specific aspects of life in the Plymouth colony and include relevant details from at least two sources. Add art work or drawings to enhance your project. Due: Wednesday, Dec. 4. NOTE: This will be graded as a project.
- Cover page with title and art work
- Story must be at least two pages (typed or hand-written)
- The piece must show evidence of research from at least two educational Internet sources
- All reference sources must be noted on a bibliography page at the back of report.
8th Grade:
Click on link to view Kansas-Nebraska Act Clip
Answer attached questions

kansas_nebraska_questions.pdf |